منو ها

1st Steel Making Factory

factory 01


Steel Bars of 120*120 and 6 meters in length are produced using electric arc furnace and casting machinery ...


2nd Steel Making Factory

factory 02


Founded in 1392, it aimed at beefing up production capacity of NSC .it is fitted with a 75-ton electric ...


Power Substaion



Establishment of 230kw power line in the location of company with the aid of local companies in an area of 3000 m2 started in 2009 and...


Products List



Click to view the list of Natanz Steel products


Natanz Steel Company (NSC) was established in 1999 within an untapped vastarea of 80 hectares located by Tehran-Isfahan highway .the aim of stablishment of this company was producing of steel billet for country wide steel markets . With a bright vision oncutting down on steel imports, we sought to beef up production of steel with development of our 2nd phase and enhancement of electric arc furnace as well.

230kw power installation accompanied with 53 kilometers of power transfer lines extended from Ardestan to the location of company also is highlighted on the achievement list. Assembly line got officially ratified in 2013 which opened doors to up to 750 job opportunities.Enjoying the convenient access to water, gassupplies as well as rail roads for transportation of raw materials adds to nifty geographical advantages.

We as a board of diligent entrepreneurs and dedicated pundits under the aegis of governors and authorities go to any length to boost up the development of this industry on a far larger scale.

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